by Trevor | Jul 15, 2019 | #EnemiesWithin, Asia-Pacific, China, Commentary, Socialism/Communism, Socialist Opinion Shapers
Commentary | The Epoch Times | June 10, 2019 | Updated June 10, 2019
Russia and China formed an international power bloc in 2001 that puts the old Soviet-led military alliance—the Warsaw Pact—to shame. It’s called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Most Westerners have never heard of it, yet it’s rapidly becoming one of the most powerful forces on the planet.
In fact, most Western leaders operate under the delusional belief that Russia and China are antagonists and can at times be played against each other. The idea that Russia and China are allies and are jointly working to destroy the West is just too much for most Western leaders to contemplate.
The “Russia and China are enemies” disinformation campaign led former President Richard Nixon to open diplomatic and trade relations with Beijing in the mid-1970s. Nixon believed he could play communist China against the communist Soviet Union. Nixon’s massive blunder undermined the United States’ industrial base, while building up a new powerful enemy. Today, the United States faces two world-class enemies rather than one.
Worse, Russia and China are now open allies.
The SCO is a permanent intergovernmental international organization, created on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai by the Russian Federation, the Muslim-majority “former” Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, and the People’s Republic of China.
The SCO maintains two permanent bodies: the SCO Secretariat, based in Beijing, and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS), based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The organization’s official languages are Russian and Chinese.
The SCO’s stated goals are “strengthening mutual trust and neighborliness among the member states; promoting their effective cooperation in politics, trade, the economy, research, technology and culture, as well as in education, energy, transport, tourism, environmental protection, and other areas; making joint efforts to maintain and ensure peace, security and stability in the region; and moving towards the establishment of a democratic, fair, and rational new international political and economic order.”
That is double-speak for Russian–Chinese world domination.
The SCO has expanded considerably since its early days, especially since June 2017, when India and Pakistan were granted full membership status.
Currently, the SCO comprises eight member states: India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
The SCO counts four observer states: Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia. The SCO also maintains six “dialogue partners,” namely Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey, and the “Democratic Socialist Republic” of Sri Lanka.
The SCO “family” currently consists of two openly communist states—China and Nepal—and eight formerly communist states, all of which maintain communist-era security structures—Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Belarus, and Cambodia. Further, the SCO includes three major Islamic powers: Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey, plus Afghanistan and two heavily communist- and Islamist-influenced South Asian nations: India and Sri Lanka.
I believe that North Korea is effectively a Russia/China client state and an ally of Iran, and should also be counted as a de-facto member of the SCO alliance.
One of these countries—Turkey—is still nominally a NATO member, which was established to defend Europe from Moscow’s expansionist ambitions. Turkey is also increasingly becoming the leader of the global Islamist movement.
The SCO is now the largest regional organization in the world in terms of geographical coverage and population, encompassing 60 percent of Eurasia and almost half of the world’s population.
Even more disturbingly, the SCO is a formal, if little-reported-on, military/national security alliance.
War Games
The SCO’s first joint military exercise was held in 2003, with the first phase taking place in Kazakhstan and the second in China. Russia and China have since cooperated in large-scale war games involving thousands of troops—called Peace Missions—in 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2010, and every two years since.
India and Pakistan joined the exercises for the first time in 2018.
During the 2007 war games in Russia, with leaders including then-Chinese President Hu Jintao present, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin announced that Russian strategic bombers would resume regular long-range patrols for the first time since the end of the “Cold War.”
“Starting today, such tours of duty will be conducted regularly and on the strategic scale. … Our pilots have been grounded for too long. They are happy to start a new life,” Putin said, according to The Associated Press.
These patrols now regularly skirt Western Alliance air space.
Of the world’s top 15 military powers (the United States still claims the No. 1 position), the SCO family includes:
- No. 2: Russia
- No. 3: China
- No. 4: India
- No. 9: Turkey
- No. 14: Iran
- No. 15: Pakistan
Of these, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and probably Iran are nuclear powers. It’s also possible that many of the former Soviet republics now in the SCO network maintain some covert nuclear stockpiles.
The United States claims about 6,200 nuclear weapons, all developed before 1992, while France, the United Kingdom, and Israel have around 600 between them, for a total of about 6,800.
Russia publicly claims nuclear weapon parity with the United States (but likely secretly maintains several thousand more), most of which are state-of-the-art weapons; China has around 290 nuclear weapons; India and Pakistan have around 140 each; and North Korea has around 10—for a total of around 7,100.
In the event of all-out war, India may go its own way, as may France, but it’s clear that the SCO has more than enough firepower to mount a serious challenge to a very shaky Western alliance.
It’s foolish to believe that if the United States ever gets in a shooting war with China that Russia will stay on the sidelines. Almost certainly, war with either Russia or China will turn rapidly into a war with the SCO. India under the Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi may well be the wild card, either remaining neutral or possibly allying with the West. However, India did formally join the SCO well after Modi came to power in 2014.
Certainly, India’s very strong communist movement would push to support Russia and China.
According to an article in the Oct. 25, 2006, edition of the Communist Party of Australia’s Guardian newspaper, Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Prakash Karat said: “The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) countries are going to be the new powerhouse of the world. It is in India’s enlightened interest that we understand its importance as we are a country which desperately needs energy. … Trilateral co-operation between India, China, and Russia has symbolic significance as it can dispel the notion that the 21st century is an American century.”
Naivety and cowardice toward the totalitarian regimes of Moscow and Beijing got us to the point we are at today. Nixon’s foolish opening to China built a hostile superpower in less than five decades. Reagan’s toughness on Russia forced Moscow into a 20-year retreat. Not defeat—retreat. Now, Russia is ahead of the United States in most key military areas. A disproportionate focus on the Islamic threat for the past 20 years—while perpetuating a belief that Russia and China could be managed separately—has proven a disastrous strategy.
President Donald Trump has been tough on both Russia and China and their puppets in Iran and North Korea. The only way out of the mess now is to quickly rebuild the United States’ military capabilities while isolating the new Evil Empire until Russia or China—or hopefully, both—is forced into real regime change.
That’s a risky strategy, but any other approach virtually guarantees defeat—and the end of Western civilization as we know it.
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor presents his movie, “ENEMIES WITHIN” DVD—BUY NOW!
by Trevor | Feb 16, 2019 | Blog, Social Movements, Socialism/Communism, Socialist Opinion Shapers, Welfare
By Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times | February 8, 2019
The welfare state is a pernicious and destructive system that saps the moral fiber of a nation and leads inevitably, if unchecked, to tyranny. On the way to slavery welfarism, it cancerously eats away at our humanity. Government welfare obliterates the best side of human nature. It destroys generosity and kindness and genuine concern for the welfare of others.
The welfare state is the deadly enemy of the “welfare society.”
The Social Security Act was signed on Aug. 14, 1935, as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal.” When speaking about the proposed Social Security program during his 1935 State of the Union message, Roosevelt added this prophetic warning:
“The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violation of the traditions of America.”
We have been told for decades that government welfare is necessary to temper the rapaciousness of “capitalism.” It has been repeated so often and most people’s lives are now so government-oriented that most of us, even many conservatives, now believe it.
The alternative is false.
Our choice is not an exploitative unchecked capitalism versus the kind and benevolent welfare state.
The real options are harsh, brutal, impersonal, and uncaring state welfare socialism, or a vigorous, dynamic, wealth-producing, free enterprise economy coupled with a well-funded private network of charitable institutions able to humanely and personally help those few individuals and families suffering from a temporary setback or coping with a permanent disability.
A Moral Obligation
British writer James Bartholomew argues in his excellent book “The Welfare State We’re In” that Britain in the 19th century was a model not of exploitation and human degradation in a heartless industrial state, but of a society where private charities, benevolent societies, and insurance cooperatives served the poor and working classes very well indeed.
The culture of Britain, before the welfare state destroyed it, regarded private charity as a great moral virtue and as almost an obligation for the middle class and better off.
According to Bartholomew, in 19th century Britain, it was regarded as normal that surgeons would devote two days out of their five-day working week to treating the poor in charitable hospitals. The average British middle-class family spent more on charity each year than they did on food and clothing.
Six out seven British working men had health insurance through the dozens of major “friendly societies” that operated at the time.
According to the Shepherd’s Friendly website:
“The majority of friendly societies started as locally based groups, usually a few villagers or neighbours, where members would contribute a small payment each month so that they could receive a lump sum payment in times of need. The money would be invested or saved if it didn’t have an immediate requirement.
“There was an agreed risk when paying a fee to the society, and the pay-out conditions could be in many forms such as the death of a cow, the cost of a funeral, regular sickness payments or an old age pension. …
“People joined Friendly Societies in large numbers and by the late 1800’s there were approximately 27,000 registered Friendly Societies. At the end of the nineteenth century, friendly societies provided most insurance, benefits, and pensions across the UK.”
That was the culture. It wasn’t Dickensian grinding poverty with urchins and beggars on every street corner. That picture is largely leftist propaganda. It was a functioning, efficient, and humane society that looked after its less fortunate way more humanely than is the norm today.
What destroyed it? The introduction of widespread government social programs in the 1930s, and the introduction of socialized health care in the 1940s.
As the government stepped in, the churches, friendly societies, and private charities moved out. Private charitable giving dramatically reduced as higher taxes bit hard and people abandoned their responsibilities to their less-fortunate fellow citizens to the state.
Today, there are fewer than 200 friendly societies remaining in Britain. Many church and private charities get more of their income from the state than they do from private donors. They are effectively state contractors.
Private charitable networks are still very strong in most Muslim countries. The Mormon Church is well known for its extensive charitable networks and its efforts to keep members off the government welfare rolls. Private charities and self-help networks are still very common in the Chinese Diaspora.
They were once also common in the United States, particularly in Black and ethnic communities. Wave after wave of government welfare programs destroyed that culture.
Why it Works
Private welfare works best for very simple reasons. It’s voluntary, it tends to be local, and it’s personal. Private charities take money from generous people in their communities and use it as efficiently as possible to assist distressed individuals and families. The goal is to use the money wisely and to get the recipient back on his or her feet as quickly as possible. Everybody involved is closely connected. The charity feels its obligation to both donor and recipient. The donor feels good, and the recipient feels grateful and motivated to improve their situation as quickly as possible. If recipients try to cheat the system, they will be quickly found out and the resources will be re-allocated to a more deserving case.
Private local charities have every incentive to be frugal and efficient with the resources they are given. Often this means using a little “tough love,” which is sometimes what’s required to get some people back on the right path. Private charity done well is a win-win for all involved.
State welfare is neither voluntary, local, nor personal. Huge amounts of money are taken by compulsory taxation and given to armies of bureaucrats, who dole it out to often ungrateful and irresponsible ”beneficiaries.” A state welfare bureaucracy has every incentive to keep as many people on the rolls for as long as possible. There is little demand for beneficiaries to get jobs, go into training, or stop having illegitimate babies. More welfare recipients mean more jobs and higher salaries for welfare workers. It’s a self-perpetuating system that does immense financial, psychological, and spiritual damage to all involved.
Private welfare encourages increased personal responsibility in all the voluntary parties involved. Government welfare increases irresponsibility in everyone it touches.
A Better Future
If a brave and responsible government legislated that all state welfare was to be phased out completely over 10 years, and all state pensions were to be phased out over 30 years, there would be a huge uproar. The left would go ballistic. Predictions would abound on mass starvation and poverty ahead.
If the government stayed the course, however, we would see a flourishing of new Friendly Societies, church charities, and mutual aid groups in every community in the nation. With taxes way down, the economy would boom and wages and salaries dramatically increase. Demand for welfare would plummet, and those in genuine need would be amply and humanely cared for.
The benevolent welfare society would make us all better people, and the ugly and cruel welfare state would no longer blight our free nation.
What are we waiting for people?
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor presents his movie, “ENEMIES WITHIN” DVD—BUY NOW!
by Trevor | Feb 12, 2019 | CPUSA, Democratic Party, Enemies Within, Social Movements, Socialism/Communism, Socialist Opinion Shapers, Welfare
By Trevor Loudon | via The Epoch Times | February 8, 2019 Updated: February 12, 2019
Government welfare is communism. Free money from the state, whether in terms of benefits, hand-outs, or non-universal tax-beaks is a trap that will draw people into socialism and beyond.
It’s a lot like cancer.
Stage one of societal cancer is “welfarism.” Citizens get a few benefits for the elderly, the very young, those who can’t look after themselves, maybe some student loans. The economy remains pretty healthy. The symptoms are mild and noticed by very few.
As things get more “social democratic” (stage two), the benefits become more universal and more generous. The selective tax incentives become larger. At stage two, most people are getting something from the government. Some people are getting a lot. The government help is no longer seen as a gratefully received lifeline to get through tough times, but rather a “right.” People who are dependent on state funds grow increasingly envious of those who get more. People who work hard and get little grow increasingly resentful of those who work little and get a lot. Honest self-respecting businesses are at a competitive disadvantage against those less scrupulous enterprises willing to “milk the system.” The economy starts to show signs of distortions and inefficiencies. Economic growth slows while social tensions slowly rise. A small minority notice some worrying symptoms. Most remain oblivious.
In “socialism” (stage three), things begin to spiral out of control. Taxes are now way higher, and the economy is sluggish or negative. Benefits and handouts are near universal, and health care, education, and most social services are run by the state. Quality of service considerably declines as fewer and fewer private businesses can maintain a competitive service-oriented economy. Increasing private sector unemployment leads to growing unemployment rolls, and a corresponding growth in taxes, welfare expenditure, government-makes-work schemes, and a rapidly expanding public sector. Those few surviving businesses either live off government contracts or have a corrupt relationship with government bureaucrats, organized crime, or both. Symptoms are now very obvious. The economy is imploding, waiting lines are endemic, and service quality is abysmal in almost every sector. A few are fighting back, but most are desperately trying figuratively to cannibalize their fellow citizens to survive.
Stage four is “communism.” Society’s immune system—the virtues of honesty, responsibility, and compassion—are virtually wiped out. The economy is in free-fall and social decline is evident everywhere. Resentment and jealousy are endemic. Hatred is rife, only just contained by the increasingly powerful military and state security services. The state controls all and is busily sucking every last ounce of life out of the economy and the people. Everything is free, but most of it is worthless. Health care is available to all (unless you’re an enemy of the state) but quality is abysmal, and the queues are endless.
Unless you are politically connected, your elderly and chronically ill will die long before they get to share a hospital ward with 12 other people, an army of cockroaches, and a toxic soup of filth, bacteria, and viruses. By now the disease is obvious to all. But by that time everyone is trapped. The leaders must watch their backs every second lest their rivals stab them. They must repress the populace with terror, lest the people rise up and hang their leaders from lamp posts. The army and secret police must leech off the workers to get enough crumbs to feed their own families. The common people cannot organize a revolt because in every darkened basement of 10 or 12 conspirators, three or four will be government informants ready to sell out their fellow plotters for a bigger room or a few more ration coupons for their families. This is the terminal stage. Death can be staved off for a while with outside intervention, but the only possible cure at this stage is a desperate, bloody, and, almost certainly suicidal, revolt.
And it all started with just a little bit of harmless welfare.
Liberty for All
It constantly amazes me as I travel across this great land how many Americans and even anti-communists fail to see the connection between government welfare and socialism and communism.
I often hear people tell me how much they love the constitution, but can’t wait for their Medicare to kick in. They’re for freedom but, hey, just got an extra benefit because their college-aged daughter is living at home. They love America, but they just hired another worker because the state gave them a wage-subsidy to do so.
These people are all patriots, but they’re allowing stage one cancer to take hold in their own country. How can they complain when stages two, three, and four eventually destroy all they hold dear?
A friend of mine in New Zealand, I’ll call him Ian, is a committed libertarian. He has a favorite saying: “Being a libertarian costs.” He means that figuratively, as in the emotional pain and spiritual anguish he has often had to endure. But, he also means it literally.
As a libertarian, Ian will take nothing from the state. In New Zealand, both health and accident compensation are socialized, and there are numerous incentives for businesses covered by the taxpayer. Everywhere you turn from cradle to grave there are government benefits, hand-outs, and tax incentives available to rich and poor alike.
New Zealand is stage two, bordering on stage three.
Ian won’t take any of it. He’s paid massive amounts of tax to the state but refuses to take anything in return. He drives on the state-funded roads because there is no choice; he pays for state-provided utilities if there is no private competition. Beyond that, Ian refuses every free service, every subsidy, every hand-out, every “incentive.”
If he injures himself, he is “entitled” to state accident compensation. He pays the taxes, then he pays out of his own pocket for his own care.
Freedom is everything to Ian, and he would rather pay double for many things than give up an ounce of his liberty.
If all of us were like Ian, we would never have to worry about socialism or communism again.
Welfarism, social democracy, socialism, and communism are cancerous and parasitic. If we do not let these parasites attach themselves to us, they cannot drain the life from our bodies and souls.
Every American must understand that the first step in fighting creeping totalitarianism is get off every form of welfare and government largesse possible. This may be difficult at first, but becoming a free, fully self-responsible being is the only real way to effectively fight for liberty for all.
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor presents his movie, “ENEMIES WITHIN” DVD—BUY NOW
by Trevor | Feb 11, 2019 | CPUSA, Democratic Party, Enemies Within, Environmentalism, Green New Deal, Social Movements, Socialism/Communism, Socialist Opinion Shapers

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) (R) announce the Green New Deal outside the U.S. Capitol on Feb. 7, 2019. (SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)
By Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times | February 11, 2019 Updated: February 11, 2019
This article is Part 2 of a two-part series on the “Green New Deal.” Also see ‘Green New Deal’ Could Plunge the World Into War Part 1
Calls for a “Green New Deal” are rapidly building on the U.S. left. Promoted by openly socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the proposal calls for mass wealth redistribution, a federal jobs program, socialized health care, guaranteed minimum incomes, and the elimination of all fossil fuels from the U.S. economy by 2030, all in the name of fighting “climate change.”
n reality the Green New Deal is a deeply socialist plan formulated and promoted by bona fide communist groups.
The Green New Deal, which only a few years ago would have been labelled as crackpot utopianism, is heralded on the left as a serious program for addressing environmental issues and social inequalities.
So far, more than 45 leftist Democrats in Congress have endorsed the project, including likely 2020 presidential candidates Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and declared presidential candidates Sens. Kamala Harris (D.-Calif.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Former presidential candidate Al Gore has called the Green New Deal “part of the answer to global inequality.”
So far House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has balked at Ocasio-Cortez’s call for a Congressional Select Committee on the Green New Deal—but the idea still has momentum.
Christy Goldfuss, who was the managing director of the Council on Environmental Quality under President Barack Obama and now leads the energy and environmental team at the Democratic Party’s think tank the Center for American Progress, told the New Yorker that she had noticed the Green New Deal’s influence on senior Democrats.
“People are asking how are we going to address climate change at scale, not what’s our building-block approach,” Goldfuss said. “For me, that is a huge, huge shift, and it would not have happened if the Green New Deal had not come along.”
The Green New Deal, which “has come to define the progressive cause in Washington,” according to the New Yorker, has existed in several forms for years. The proposal echoes a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) report from October 2008, when UNEP’s Executive Director Achim Steiner unveiled the Global Green New Deal initiative, which aimed at transforming the world’s economy and combating climate change through creating jobs in “green” industries. The Green Party USA has also promoted a Green New Deal, which includes massive defense cuts, for several years.
Significantly, the Manhattan-based Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) has discussed the concept since at least 2013.
“A Green New Deal is concerned with a just transition to a more sustainable economy, with improved provision of public services, and with strict regulation of polluters and financial speculators. While there is much promise in this approach, it contains unresolved contradictions and has been blocked by hostile forces. Moreover, it is unclear whether this agenda is adequate to the challenge posed by climate change,” stated the introduction to an RLS report.
“Building green socialism may be the only way to emerge from this time of crisis with a society that treads lightly on the earth while enabling a full range of human flourishing.”
descendant of the former Stalinist East German Communist Party. The RLS works closely with the United States’ largest Marxist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the pro-China Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), as well as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), all of which are fully behind the Green New Deal.
Who’s Behind the Green New Deal?
The current Green New Deal exists in its “most authoritative form” as an 11-page Google Doc, according to the New Yorker: “The document was written over a single December 2018 weekend by the staff of the freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three like-minded progressive groups: the Sunrise Movement, a grassroots climate organization; the Justice Democrats, which recruits and supports progressive candidates; and an upstart policy shop called the New Consensus.”
All three of these groups are spin-offs of a New York City-based revolutionary training organization called “Momentum.”
According to Momentum’s website: “>We see two dominant traditions of organizing in the United States: structure-based organizing and mass protest. In the structure-based tradition, developed by Saul Alinsky and others, organizers start with one-on-one relationships to develop leadership and build a base that can advocate for the needs of particular constituencies. Structure-based organizations, such as community organizations and labor unions, make instrumental demands, using the base’s leverage over policymakers to win concrete reforms for their members. By contrast, in the mass protest tradition, autonomous groups of individuals create polarizing moments that inspire thousands of unaffiliated people to take to the streets around symbolic, popular social issues.
“The Momentum model fuses the strengths of the structure-based organizing and mass protest to seed a new tradition of organizing in the United States. Momentum synthesizes the lessons of various 20th century movements, including the Color Revolutions of Eastern Europe and the Arab Spring in North Africa.”
Momentum boasts of training activists from groups “doing some of the most important movement-building” in the United States, including “Black Lives Matter, Dream Defenders, BYP100, United We Dream, Showing Up For Racial Justice,, National People’s Action, PICO, and more.” All of these groups are front groups or close affiliates of the FRSO.
The Sunrise Movement, with established groups in several major cities, is the main cheerleader for the Green New Deal. Sunrise has heavily recruited activists from the DSA- and FRSO-affiliated groups, such as the Pennsylvania Student Power Network.
For instance, Stephen O’Hanlon is a former member of the Pennsylvania Student Power Network and founder and national field director of the Sunrise Movement.
The Sunrise Movement is openly endorsed by the DSA and several FRSO-affiliated groups, including Bay Area-based Green For All, which was founded by one-time Maoist and former Obama administration “green jobs czar” Van Jones.
The Justice Democrats, then co-run by Ocasio-Cortez (before she decided to run for Congress and join the DSA), backed dozens of far-left Democrats in the last election cycle, electing seven of them. Over 40 percent of their 78 endorsed candidates were either DSA members or endorsees. Several more were from the FRSO or CPUSA orbits.
The Justice Democrats also partnered closely with Brand New Congress, which is governed largely by DSA members.
New Consensus provides the theoretical backbone for the Green New Deal.
According to E&E News: “A policy group is being formed to support an energized progressive movement that’s taken Capitol Hill by storm under the leadership of Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).
“It’s called the New Consensus.
“The 501c(3) nonprofit is in the process of being formed to provide a policy platform that will underpin the ambitious—and increasingly politically popular—Green New Deal aimed at weaning the United States off fossil fuels, boosting renewables and clean energy jobs, and building a ‘smart’ grid.
“Front and center will be Rhiana Gunn-Wright, a 29-year-old Yale graduate and Rhodes scholar who will serve as the group’s policy director working to flesh out details of the plan.“
Gunn-Wright was a policy team intern for former first lady Michelle Obama. In 2018, she served as policy director for the far-left Abdul El-Sayed in his unsuccessful gubernatorial run in Michigan. Gunn-Wright put together a “uniquely comprehensive suite of policy proposals, including a commitment to establishing a $15 minimum wage; tuition-free college for Michiganders with family income under $150,000; aggressive criminal justice reform; and the most detailed state-level single-payer health care plan ever,” according to The Intercept.
El-Sayed’s Deputy Campaign Manager Claire Sandberg traveled to Germany in September 2018 with DSA member and RLS staffer Winnie Wong. The pair held a meeting in the German Bundestag with members of the crypto-communist organization Die Linke.
Sandberg was also a founder of another short-lived Momentum spinoff, “We Will Replace You,” which aimed to target “centrist” Democrats not on board with the far-left’s agenda. One of her fellow co-founders, Waleed Shahid, was a Momentum leader, spokesman for the Justice Democrats, and served as policy director on Cynthia Nixon’s DSA-endorsed campaign for governor of New York.
FRSO General Secretary Sendolo Diaminah served as an official “adviser” to We Will Replace You.
The Green New Deal is a thoroughly socialist program conceived of and promoted by communists.
The DSA, FRSO, and CPUSA are all behind the Green New Deal. Even the Stalinist League of Revolutionaries for a New America, which supports North Korea, Iran, and the Russian annexation of part of the Ukraine, has backed the plan
It’s not surprising that communists are behind the Green New Deal. What is shocking is how many Democrats are willing to run with it. Some are even saying it will feature heavily in their 2020 campaign.
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor presents his movie, “ENEMIES WITHIN” DVD—BUY NOW!
by Trevor | Feb 10, 2019 | CPUSA, Democratic Party, Enemies Within, Red Reps, Russia, Social Movements, Socialism/Communism, Socialist Opinion Shapers

A donkey is shown with the American flag. (Pixabay)
By Trevor Loudon | February 8, 2019 Updated: February 8, 2019 | The Epoch Times
The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is infiltrating the Democratic Party across the country. Communists, some openly, some secretly, are working in Democratic campaigns, holding Democratic Party leadership positions, and even running for public office on the Democratic Party ballot line. The communists also are pushing their policies inside the Democratic Party, to the point that it’s almost impossible to distinguish between the CPUSA and Democratic Party programs. Many comrades also work closely with influential Congress members or U.S. senators.
The CPUSA supports China, Cuba, Venezuela, and the Russian Communist Party — all enemies of the United States. The CPUSA still advocates for the “overthrow of the capitalist class” in this country, yet the Democrats do absolutely zilch to keep the communists out of their party.
CPUSA infiltration of the Democratic Party is widespread—it affects every region where the communists have a significant presence.
Support and Infiltration
In the San Diego area, two CPUSA members, Carl Wood and Emiliana Sparaco, ran this month for the California Democratic Party Central Committee, from Assembly Districts 76 and 80, respectively.
Wood, a lifelong communist, intended to push for the “Healthy California Act that provides improved Medicare for All, a Living Wage of at least $15/hour, the Green New Deal for a healthy environment with good new jobs in a peace economy, and legislation to promote strong Unions.” In 1999, California’s then-Democratic Gov. Gray Davis appointed Wood to a six-year term on the California Public Utilities Commission, where he “played a significant role in protecting California from the consequences of its disastrous deregulation experiment.”
Sparaco, a former leader of the Young Communist League, traveled to Sochi, Russia, in October 2017, as part of a U.S. communist delegation to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution — keynoted by Vladimir Putin himself. In 2018, Sparaco was a leading activist in Flip the 49th, which helped Democrat Mike Levin win California’s 49th Congressional District.
In Northern California, Sacramento area Democratic Congressman Ami Bera, who serves on the House Foreign Relations Committee, has won several super-close elections with communist help. For example, in 2014, CPUSA members Juan Lopez, Cassie Lopez, Michelle Kern, Nell Ranta, and Mik Diddams canvassed and phone-banked out of Bera’s campaign headquarters.
Further up the left coast in rural Washington state, communists Tim and Joyce Wheeler and Tim’s sister Marion “Honeybee” Wheeler Burns have been active in the Clallam County Democrats for decades. They campaigned for Barack Obama, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, and local Congressman Derek Kilmer. Tim traveled to international communist gatherings for many years as editor of the CPUSA’s People’s World. His father, Don Wheeler, betrayed American secrets to Moscow during World War II while working for U.S. intelligence.
Over in Minnesota, local CPUSA leaders the late Doris and Erwin Marquit were very active inside the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (Minnesota’s Democratic Party affiliate). The couple helped raise funds for congressional aspirant Keith Ellison in their home three times. In 2006, they used their political influence to help get Ellison elected to Congress.
Another Minnesota communist, Mark Froemke, is very active in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Froemke has enjoyed good relations with former Minnesota Sen. Al Franken and former Gov. Mark Dayton.
Swinging down to Chicago, we see CPUSA members such as Pepe Lozano working in the successful Chuy Garcia for Congress campaign. CPUSA member Abdul-Aziz Hassan has worked for 22nd Ward Alderman Ricardo Munoz, a Democrat, for several years. Even CPUSA leader John Bachtell once served as a precinct chairman for U.S. Senate candidate Obama.
In Ohio, former CPUSA chairman Rick Nagin worked inside the Democratic Party for decades. In 2006, Nagin was on the staff of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations 2006 campaign that first elected Sherrod Brown. Nagin also worked closely with Congressman Dennis Kucinich for many years. Nagin has run several times for public office on the Democratic Party ticket and served as the Democratic Leader in Cleveland Ward 14 and on the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee.
In St. Louis, the CPUSA has worked closely with many black Democratic candidates through its front group the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. Longtime CPUSA member Glenn Burleigh is very active in the Democratic Party and has managed several Democratic campaigns, including Robin Wright-Jones for State Senate and Lewis Reed for St. Louis mayor. Missouri CPUSA leader Tony Pecinovsky will be standing for St. Louis Alderman in 2020, presumably as a Democrat.
Over in New York City, the communists have been working inside the Democratic Party since at least the 1930s.
Former communist Dan Margolis was active in New York City elections, including as the mid-Staten Island coordinator for the 2004 Democratic Party congressional campaign.
According to Margolis’s blog: “I ended up working on many Democratic campaigns during by time in the CPUSA: John Kerry’s, Obama’s twice, [Senator] Kirsten Gillibrand’s, Fernando Ferrer’s (he nearly beat Michael Bloomberg to become mayor of NYC), and a host of others known mostly to NYC residents. I am proud to say that I wrote the first official document in the CPUSA calling for support of Obama in the primaries: I wrote this as chair of the party in Brooklyn, in 2007.”
In 2014, the CPUSA’s Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Club wrote: “Sometimes, we must be free to disagree with Democrats on selected issues, even those whom we have supported, such as Obama on a national level, Jerrold Nadler, a progressive Congressman from Manhattan, and Bill DeBlasio, who is New York City’s new progressive mayor. For example, we should be free to advocate a general reduction of our country’s military and to disagree with the Obama Administration’s expansion of some sections of our military forces.”
Across the river in New Jersey, communists such as Estevan Nembhard and Carol Widom were active in Democrat Ras Baraka’s successful 2014 campaign for the mayoralty of Newark. Baraka is the son of one-time CPUSA member Amina Baraka.
Connecticut is the CPUSA’s “jewel in the crown.” The party almost runs the state. The CPUSA is close to Gov. Ned Lamont, as it was to his predecessor Dannel Malloy. Both U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Sen. Chris Murphy are close to the party. Sen. Murphy employed CPUSA member Max Goldman as an aide for nearly three years while serving on the highly sensitive Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro is very close to CPUSA Connecticut leader Joelle Fishman and her husband Art Perlo — the son of Roosevelt-era Soviet spy ring leader Victor Perlo. In 2012, DeLauro helped organize birthday celebrations for veteran Connecticut communist Al Marder. Comrade Marder is so well regarded in international communist circles that he was invited to Moscow in June 2015 to help the Russian Communist Party celebrate the anniversary of the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany. Marder even got a big hug from then-Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov.
Three other Connecticut Congress members, Jim Himes (House Intelligence Committee), Joe Courtney (House Armed Services Committee), and John B. Larson work closely with the CPUSA front group Connecticut Alliance for Retired Americans. Even freshman Congress member Jahana Hayes had veteran communist Len Yannielli working in her campaign office.
Down in Texas, the situation is not much better. In Dallas, local communist leader Gene Lantz is very active in the Democratic Party and the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans. Lantz is close to Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology) and is friends with Congressman Marc Veasey (House Armed Services Committee).
In Houston, local CPUSA leader Bernard Sampson doubles as a Democratic Party precinct chairman. The Houston CPUSA ran several comrades for public office in 2018 on the Democratic ticket (it’s illegal to run for office as a communist in Texas).
Comrade Ali Khorasani ran for Congress in Texas District 2 but was defeated in the primary. Communist Penny Shaw ran for a seat on the Harris County Commission but lost with 45 percent of the vote. Party member Sema Hernandez ran a shoestring campaign in the Texas U.S. Senate primary and managed to secure a respectable 250,000 votes.
And this is just the open or easily identifiable members. As a conspiratorial revolutionary organization, the CPUSA keeps much of its membership secret. The CPUSA almost certainly has many secret members and supporters in key positions throughout the Democratic Party.
Millions of grassroots Democrat voters are strongly opposed to communism. Many are descendants of families who fled communism in Eastern Europe, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Cuba. Many lost friends or family fighting communism in Vietnam. Many are Catholic, informed of the evils from communism at an early age by their priests, bishops, and popes.
Most would be horrified to know that communists are working openly and secretly at every level of their cherished Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party knows the identity of most of its communist members. They do nothing about it. They do more than turn a blind eye; they welcome the revolutionaries into their party.
The Democrats have spent the last two years bashing President Donald Trump for having ties to Russia. Yet the Democrats are willing to tolerate pro-China communists actively working within their own party.
By allowing communists to stand for office on their ticket, Democrats are cheating the American voter. By allowing communists to work closely with Democratic Congressmembers and senators, they are endangering national security.
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor presents his movie, “ENEMIES WITHIN” DVD—BUY NOW!
by Trevor | Feb 4, 2019 | CPUSA, Democratic Party, Enemies Within, Environmentalism, Green New Deal, Social Movements, Socialism/Communism, Socialist Opinion Shapers

A Chinese naval officer communicates with his French counterparts during a joint exercise 16 March 2004, in the East China Sea STR/AFP/Getty Images
By Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times | January 22, 2019 Updated: February 4, 2019
This article is Part 1 of a two-part series on the “Green New Deal.” Part 2 will address the organizations promoting this massive socialist proposal.
The “Green New Deal” currently being promoted by socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) will halve the U.S. military budget. The proposal, which enjoys support of more than 40 other Democratic representatives, is a plan to re-organize the U.S. economy along what is deemed to be ecologically sound lines.
If fully implemented, the Green New Deal will at best plunge the world into a massive war or, at worst, into an unprecedented permanent tyranny.
Unsurprisingly, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) supports Ocasio-Cortez’s plan. After all, she is a member of the United States’ largest Marxist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which is formally allied to the CPUSA through the Left Inside/Outside Project.
Cuts to Defense
The Green New Deal, described euphemistically by The New York Times as “a call to reimagine an environment-first economy that would phase out fossil fuels,” promotes massive government jobs programs, guaranteed incomes for all, and a whole raft of hugely socialist proposals.
These huge programs will be paid for out of the U.S. defense budget. The Green New Deal calls for cutting U.S. “military spending by at least half” and to close “800 [U.S. military] bases worldwide.”
Right now, the neo-“Evil Axis” of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are re-arming at breakneck speed.
Beijing, for example, is openly threatening Taiwan, which is creating grave concern in South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Pacific micro-states, Australia, and this author’s country of New Zealand. China is building around 60 military vessels a year right now. The United States is building less than 10 military vessels per year and, thanks to former President Obama, has the weakest Navy in decades.
The commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, Adm. Philip S. Davidson, stated in April 2018 that “China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United States,” during his Senate confirmation process.
If U.S. military spending was halved and all U.S. bases west of Pearl Harbor (maybe even including Pearl Harbor) were abolished, what would stop China from dominating the whole Asia-Pacific region? What would that do to U.S. trade relationships and national security capabilities?
Halving U.S. military spending almost guarantees an invasion of Taiwan and the extension of Chinese power right across the Asia-Pacific region. As China already has huge influence in South America and Africa, it would effectively deliver the Southern Hemisphere to China. Russia may not take advantage of U.S. impotence and re-conquer Europe, Iran may not attack Israel and Saudi Arabia, and North Korea may not join in the fun, but this author would not bet on it.
The Green New Deal may not give us World War III—but only because America will be too weak to fight back.
Communist Party USA Support
As mentioned previously, the neo-Evil Axis’s most reliable ally in the United States, the CPUSA, is heavily promoting the Green New Deal.
In a recent presentation to the CPUSA National Board, published online Jan. 7, party chairman John Bachtell urged comrades to get behind the Green New Deal. Bachtell told his comrades: “We have to be seen as being all in on this [Green New Deal] and publicly associated with it.”
Bachtell continued: “We have to think about the Peace New Deal [as well]. … This whole thing has to be connected with the demilitarization of the economy as well.”
Bachtell told the comrades that DSA member Joe Uehlein of the far-left Labor Network for Sustainability, a major backer of the Green New Deal project, estimated the cost of eliminating fossil fuels and implementing a sustainable-energy-only policy would cost up to $10 trillion, which Bachtell explained would come from the “demilitarization of the economy.”
$10 trillion would cover all current U.S. military spending for a decade. As the Green New Deal is supposed to be implemented by 2030, this proposal would mean that the U.S. military budget would be virtually eliminated. That doesn’t even account for the colossal drop in industrial production and trade that would inevitably occur. <
The Green New Deal would effectively end the U.S. military as an effective fighting force and spell the end of NATO and all other Western military alliances.
Would China and its neo-Evil Axis partners sit back while all this unfolded, or would they take advantage of the opportunity to expand their economic and military influence at the United States’ expense?
Considering that the CPUSA is loyal to China, and not to the United States, their support for the Green New Deal is a given. Consider the words from a CPUSA advertisement for a meeting at the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library in Oakland, California, held on Dec. 4, 2010:
“The United States government has been committing direct acts of provocation against China’s economy, and other aspects of its society, including its military. …If these confrontations are allowed to become full-blown, it … will demand from all of us new energies on yet another—perhaps the biggest—domestic front against U.S. Imperialism.”
In other words, if the United States gets into a shooting war with China, the CPUSA will work on U.S. soil to help America’s enemy. Of course, this is the very definition of treason.
If the CPUSA is willing to work for China during war-time, why would they not work in peace-time to sabotage the U.S. economy, or to destroy the U.S. military to the benefit of their masters in Beijing?
Bachtell also told the CPUSA National Committee earlier this month that the Green New Deal is “potentially the embarking point for our path to a sustainable socialist society.”
Bachtell claimed that the idea could “frame the entire debate for the 2020 elections.” Also, that it could “isolate the right-wing” and that this, according to Ocasio-Cortez, could “spell the doom of the Republican Party.”
If the DSA and the CPUSA succeed in forcing the Democrats into implementing the Green New Deal, the ramifications are inconceivable. America would cease to be America and would become ripe fruit to be picked by China, Russia, Iran, and/or North Korea.
The Green New Deal is a national suicide pact.
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor presents his movie, “ENEMIES WITHIN” DVD—BUY NOW!