Under Obama, the U.S. is Captured by the Muslim Brotherhood

by | Jul 9, 2015

The Betrayal Papers: Part I – Under Obama, the US Captured by Muslim Brotherhood [video]

This is perfect to show at Tea Party events to communicate who our current “President” really is. Narrated by Andrea Shea King.

Text of The Betrayal Papers, Part I – Under Obama, US Captured by Muslim Brotherhood, available at:

  • The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political, financial and terrorist movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate).
  • They have and continue to exert tremendous influence on the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama.
  • The violence in the Middle East and across North Africa is a direct consequence of the Muslim Brotherhood’s effective control over American foreign policy in the region.
  • They operate through various “civic” front groups, as well as through American institutions who take their money as operational funding (Georgetown University, Brookings Institution).