Allen West at the Stop Iran Now! Rally
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Frank Gaffney among many other leaders called Obama a traitor. Obama struck secret side deals on the monstrous Iran deal. There were many, many calls for impeachment. Trevor Loudon was at the event along with many of my friends. God bless America! Let the fight begin. Allen West gives one of the most impassioned, best speeches I have ever heard here. 10,000 people showed up in Times Square. The biggest protest ever there. More to come on the rally. Stop Iran Now!

INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Reasons to Support Ted Cruz. Reason 1 – “Moderate Candidates are Losers”

Doug Ross @ Journal

Spotted in a presentation from a conservative PAC that supports my preferred candidate, Ted Cruz.

With zero apologies whatsoever, I support Ted Cruz for President. It’s time to nominate a real conservative who can appeal to Americans of every race, creed, color and religion.

Cruz is just such a man.

You can visit his website by clicking here.