AIM Editor on FAA’s Air Traffic Control Hiring Scandal [Video]

Accuracy in Media

Accuracy in Media Editor Roger Aronoff recently appeared on The Daily Ledger on the One America News Network to discuss an ongoing scandal at the Federal Aviation Administration which has prompted an investigation by the department’s inspector general.

Prior to 2014, as Aronoff reported in May, the FAA recruited its air traffic controllers from either the military or from the pool of people who had graduated after spending years studying and training at FAA programs called Collegiate Training Initiative, or CTI schools. However, it now uses a walk-in process combined with a biographical questionnaire asking questions such as, “How many sports did you play in high school?”

“And what this is really about is ethnic diversity,” said Aronoff on The Daily Ledger. Peter Kirsanow, of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, also came to the same conclusion.

“A news report quotes [Transportation] Secretary [Anthony] Foxx as telling Congress, ‘The FAA took an opportunity to take a broad opening of the aperture if you will to try to get a larger universe of applicants into the [air traffic control] program,’” wrote Kirsanow, according to Newsmax. “I don’t speak jive, but I am fluent in bureaucratese, and this is easy to translate: the FAA didn’t like the racial and gender composition of the people in its pool of potential air traffic controllers.”

“This is the safety of our planes flying in the air,” Aronoff emphasized. “And I can tell you from what I’ve learned is that there have been a number of very close calls…There have been many who have been thrown out of the system because they were so bad.”

The Fox Business Network (FBN) exposed back in May how a leader of the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE) had distributed a recorded message detailing how its members could cheat on the biographical questionnaire. “But they have a recording that they tell you, they walk you through what to fill out so you will be able to pass this and get hired,” said Aronoff.

“This is a scandal that should be looked at constantly by the news media, but they are ignoring this,” Aronoff said. “It’s like Benghazi or the IRS scandal. [The media] consider it not even worthy of being discussed.”

After Aronoff published his initial article noting how The Wall Street Journal had reported on the change in FAA hiring standards, but not the Obama administration scandal itself, the Journal published an opinion article entitled, “Affirmative Action Lands in the Air Traffic Control Tower:”

After the FAA changed its screening process in 2014, thousands of applicants who were already in the pipeline—people who had obtained an FAA-accredited degree, taken the AT-SAT exam and had been designated ‘well-qualified’ to become air-traffic controllers—were told by the government that they would have to start the process again. ‘But this time, when they applied for a job, their college degrees and previous military experience would mean nothing,’ reported Fox Business. ‘They would now compete with thousands of people the agency calls ‘off the street hires’; anyone who wants to, can walk in off the street without any previous training and apply for an air traffic control job.’

In other words, the current policy is to deliberately favor less-qualified applicants over more qualified applicants in the name of obtaining the ‘right’ racial and gender mix among air-traffic controllers. Advocates of ‘diversity’ insist that discounting objective measures of ability and competence is harmless, but history shows that it can be deadly.

The Obama administration isn’t stopping there in its effort to create a progressive utopia of ethnic diversity, whether or not racial discrimination is, in fact, currently happening.

Stanley Kurtz, writing for National Review earlier this month, called it a “scandal that the mainstream press has largely refused to report on the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule:”

AFFH is easily one of President Obama’s most radical initiatives, on a par with Obamacare in its transformative potential. In effect, AFFH gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood—imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development in suburb and city alike, and weakening or casting aside the authority of local governments over core responsibilities, from zoning to transportation to education. Not only the policy but the political implications are immense—at the presidential, congressional, state, and local levels.

Here is Aronoff on One America News’ “The Daily Ledger,” with Graham Ledger:

Our Weasel Of The Week Nominees! – 07/28/15

The Watcher’s Council

It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

Here are this week’s nominees…
Rutgers Racist College Perfesser And Buffoon Brittney Cooper!!

The Noisy Room: My nomination this week goes to Rutgers University Professor Brittney Cooper for proclaiming that all white people are the face of the oppressor. So, let me get this straight… this Rutger’s professor is basically telling whites, ‘y’all look alike to me.’ What racist blather. And she hates men – it’s a twofer. Make that a threefer – she’s hates police too. Brittney Cooper is just chock full of hate – facts be damned. It doesn’t matter to her that Sandra Bland would not get out of her car when instructed by the officer to do so. He went a bit over the top when he said he’d light her up with a taser, but she was being uncooperative and belligerent. When she did get out, she argued with him, called him a bunch of vulgar names and kicked him in the shin. He told her that originally she was going to get a warning; now she was going to be arrested for assaulting a public servant. She richly earned her arrest. But it didn’t end there unfortunately and now you have racists screaming for this officer’s head because Sandra Bland decided to off herself in her cell. She hung herself using a trash can liner. This is a woman who had previously tried to commit suicide. But according to Cooper, it’s so obviously the white, male cop’s fault. How did this woman ever become a professor at a major university?

According to this professor, all whites, just for the simple fact of being white, are guilty and ipso facto – oppressors. Only whites, mind you… If you are Hispanic or a Muslim, you get a pass. But white people? Well, they are devils I hear. Never mind that crimes are committed every day by all races and all ideologies. Cooper holds a special place in her black heart for white male cops. Occasionally you see a cop go rogue or make a mistake. That’s rare. And police are pretty good about justice within their own ranks. Contrary to what Cooper is insinuating, you do not have roving, racist white cops across the nation brutalizing black individuals and killing them without cause. Most crimes that are handled by police are crimes that are without a doubt perpetrated by those in custody. According to the likes of Cooper, if you are black and step out of line, white cops should give you special treatment – a unique deference. That is social justice thinking – Liberal logic. It’s pervasive in the Marxist media and in Liberal academia. I sure wouldn’t want Cooper teaching my children in college – no matter what race they were. For being an unmitigated racist and a hate monger, Cooper has more than earned the Golden Weasel.
Baby Killer And Spare Parts Wheeler N’ Dealer, Planned Parenthood’s Dr Mary Gatter!!

Don Surber: Dr. Mary Gatter — the Josef Mengele of abortion — a soulless plague upon the land, making light of aborting babies and selling their parts. Mustela abortionist. Pray for her.,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_365,w_652/fd1mj6lb9sxjvo4plkme.jpg
RINO En Extremis And Obama Enabler Senator Mitch McConnell!:

Ask Marion: My WOTW Nominee is Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Senator McConnell was caught and called out for using a procedural maneuver called “Filling the Amendment Tree” to divert attention away from the fact that he called up an amendment that would allow the Export-Import Bank to continue. Marrying the unrelated EX-IM House bill to the highway bill also made sure that he does not violate the Constitution.

Ted Cruz boldly called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar. The straw that broke the elephant’s back was the vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank. McConnell went one lie too far this time said Cruz, who had voted for Obama’s Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) the first go-around in the Senate based on McConnell’s word and he famously turned against the fast-track trade authority later. Because it was based on lies. Cruz said he had to call out McConnell as a matter of honor.

Leader McConnell called up a House passed bill and added the text of the highway bill to it, then he called up an amendment that allows the Export-Import Bank to continue. This married an unrelated House bill to the highway bill and EX-IM. But then Senator McConnell did something that was unexpected. He offered an amendment for a full repeal of Obamacare. Seemingly an attempt to intimidate the Tea Party faction in the Senate to take the vote on a full repeal of Obamacare and walk away from the fight over EX-IM. The problem is that nobody believes the Obamacare amendment to be anything other than meaningless vote bringing McConnell’s deception to the forefront.

Well, there it is. What a despicable group of Weasels… ANY OF THEM COULD WIN! Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere and you won’t want to miss it… or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter… ’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

Forum: Will The Iran Deal Pass Congress?

The Watcher’s Council

Michael Ramirez

Every week on Monday morning, the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum with short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture or daily living. This week’s question: Will The Iran Deal Pass Congress?

Don Surber: It better or — RACIST!

The Independent Sentinel: Don’t forget, we don’t want to embarrass Kerry in front of the Ayatollah! That would be our worst nightmare.

The Glittering Eye: It probably won’t pass the House. Whether it passes the Senate will depend on what Chuck Schumer does. It Schumer supports it, it could pass the Senate. If he votes against it, not only is it possible that it won’t pass the Senate it’s possible it could fail in both houses by veto-proof majorities.

JoshuaPundit: It will probably not pass congress initially. Certain Democrats will be given permission to vote ‘no’ for political reasons, so they can say they did later. Chuck Schumer will likely be one of them. The president will veto it and there will not be enough votes to override it.

One would expect a congress who was openly and deliberately lied to about the components of the ‘deal’ and was subjected to being deliberately sidelined by this president and his secretary of state to vomit this out. One would expect an electorate who cared about their country to insist on it.

The pathetic part in all of this is that what congress does really doesn’t matter too much. Thanks to the Corker Bill, the senate abrogated its constitutional power to vet treaties in this case. And our Dear Leader happily took advantage of this folly to take this to the UN, where the Security Council approved it . The Europeans and the Russians are already falling all over themselves to do deals and sell advanced weaponry to Iran…even to the point of acceding to allowing the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Quds Forceto operate on EU soil starting in 2023, and delisting Iranian banks like Ansar and Mehr whom were under sanctions for material support for terrorism and for transactions involving illegal nuclear proliferation.

Iran has already put in place a framework for jihad in the Muslim parts of the Balkans. Whether they’ll bother waiting 8 years to utilize it fully is anyone’s guess. This is another clear signal to Europe’s Jews that they are no longer safe in Europe.

Governor Mike Huckabee said something yesterday about this:

“This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven. This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people. I read the whole deal. We gave away the whole store. It’s got to be stopped.”

Well said, but I would add one thing. This time, the Jews are armed.

Laura Rambeau Lee, Right Reason: Congress will reject the deal, the President will veto Congress, and Congress will not have the votes to overturn the President’s veto. So unfortunately, yes, the deal will pass, opening the world to nuclear proliferation on a massive scale.

Puma By Design: Will The Iran Deal Pass Congress? You betcha!

John Boehner has already ceded power to Mitch McConnell who is only too willing to cede authority to Barack Obama and in turn, Obama will cede, or attempt to cede our sovereignty over to the third-world dictators at the United Nations.

At the same time, had Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas) not traveled to Vienna to meet with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Americans would not be aware of the two side deals “between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the IAEA as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).”

So here, we go with the dog and pony show, i.e., hearings, press conferences, tough talking rhetoric, Sunday morning television, etc.

However, in the end, Obama’s lapdogs, Boehner and McConnell will do their fair share to add one more chapter to Barack Obama’s legacy.

Ask Marion:

I would love to be able to answer this question with a resounding “No”! But I fear in my heart that it will squeak through and pass.

Partly because under the law Congress passed to ensure its review of any Iran deal, unless the Democrats abandon the president wholesale, this deal will stick.

Personal Liberty:

The 60-day review period begins once all of the paperwork gets submitted to Congress, per a statement from Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) That delay would be extended to 12 days if the House and Senate send a joint resolution to the president, and Congress would have 10 more days after that to consider an override.

Opponents of the deal have to be able to override a veto on a disapproval resolution to stop it from going into effect. That’s a tall order, with 291 House votes and 67 in the Senate needed to assure an override.

In many ways, the deal seems to be about the sanctions, not the bomb!

CSMonitor: The Obama administration, by relaxing the tough sanctions on the Persian regime, is basically declaring peace with the Iranians.

For the Israelis and the Saudis, who are fighting proxy wars on several different fronts throughout the Mideast against Iran, this is tantamount to a mass betrayal.

We are avoiding war but our allies can’t.

The sanctions have hurt the Iranian people. They have stunted the growth of their economy. They made it more difficult for the Iranian armed forces to get cash to buy conventional weapons. They delegitimized the government in the eyes of the people.

In other words, the sanctions worked as a weapon in this shadow war between the Jews, the Sunni, and the Shia.

The problem for the Obama administration is that the sanctions only worked as long as there was a grand coalition that was that was willing to enforce it… And that coalition was fraying.

Sanctions are hard to enforce over the long term because the free market is hard to control. People want to do business. Iran has a lot of oil, which is attractive to the Europeans so this deal is the administration was there way to back out.

But then that brings us right back to what this whole ordeal was supposed to be about… What about a nuclear Iran? This what happens when to you send kindergartners in to do a President and a Secretary of States’ jobs.

Well, there you have it.

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum. And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere and you won’t want to miss it.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter… ’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?